Wellness at the Gallery Friday 20th September 2019
This event will be our second Wellness Retreat Day, this time to be held at the unique OxMarket Gallery in the centre of Chichester. The day will feature five Wellness Coaches who are going to help you enjoy your Parenting journey more!! The day will cover Parenting Styles, the Parent role seen as a true Leader, how to master Empathy with your children, how help your child with feeling anxious, how to nourish your child through nutrition and how to help your child find head space and cultivate a growth mindset. To read more about the individual speakers Click here
The day will be divided up into three talks in the morning, then a three course “supper club style lunch” followed by two more talks in the afternoon. To Book Click here
five talks all about modern day parenting to give you a toolkit...

Caroline Hanson
Love Parent Love

Lucinda Miller
Nature Doc

Sanela Lukanovic
Grounded Parenting

Laura Coleman
Be Modern Meditation

Elizabeth O'Shea
Parent 4 Success
Supper club style 3 course lunch, tea and coffee