
We'll have ours Rare please!

You may have heard this saying... "When you buy from a small business, an actual person does a little happy dance!"

We are passionate about supporting small and interesting brands. It’s what we stand for and what we love. There’s something very special about the purchase you make from an independent maker or retailer in comparison to the soulless transactions we’ve all become accustomed to when we line the pockets of the corporate giants online.

When you come to a Rare Brand Market event, you’ll have the opportunity to chat to the people who have crafted, sourced, brewed or cooked the goods they’ve brought. You’ll be able to hear the stories behind their products and behind the brand itself. We love the feeling of connection that buying in this way engenders and we promise you’ll find far more excitement and fulfillment when you shop Rare.

The buying experience we have come to think of as normal is becoming ever more impersonal. We want to foster an atmosphere of excitement and discovery at our events. We can’t recommend highly enough the wholesome feeling you’ll get when you transact with a person rather than clicking your mouse. When you buy something at a Rare Brand Market you’ll not only come away with a fabulous item or experience, you’ll also have made a tangible difference to someone’s business success.

Our markets are hotbeds of innovation, design and dedication. They’re places where buzzing conversation and questions are encouraged. Involve yourself with the process and you’ll find that shopping becomes a completely different and wonderfully rewarding experience. Touch, feel and taste the items on display - find out what it is that makes them so special and what makes their makers tick.

The connection you make with the sellers and makers at our events means that you’ll put a big smile on their face and take away something that is unusual, fabulous and authentic. Buy a dress from one of our brands and you can rest assured that you’re not going to find five others wearing the same thing at your next party. Choose a present for a loved one and you will be safe in the knowledge that they won’t be getting the same thing from anyone else.

Don’t just take our word for it. Come along to one of our markets and get Rarified! We promise you won’t look back.

Our next markets will be at Goodwood Racecourse 16th-18th November and Winchester Guildhall 30th November - 1st December . There will be Rare Brands in a whole host of wonderful categories covering all your needs - Ladies, Mens, Kids, Beauty, Home, Pets, Service, Travel, Food And Drink, Garden, Sport and Jewellery.

If you’re looking for inspiration, there’s no better place to be!

meet the makers