Getting the ultimate nourishment & Activate your Vagus Nerve

18th March 2020 - The Kennels, on the Goodwood Estate

Doors open at 7:30pm for an 8pm start

This will be our first Wellness Wednesday of 2020, the hibernation period of the New Year with the nasty weather is over and now we can look forward to Spring and keeping Well is on our minds again.

This first Wellness Wednesday promises to be a super evening with two amazing Wellness Coaches, both committed to Holistic Health, Natural remedies and Lifestyle coaching when it comes to living well. Below you can read more about the subject matter they will be exploring...

Dr Indika

Dr Indika of is an experienced NHS GP turned Functional Medicine and Lifestyle Doctor. She is on a mission to help the growing movement of health professionals and patients tackle the burden of chronic disease with powerful science-driven holistic approaches that cause positive and empowering whole-body shifts that are often far superior to mainstream pharmaceuticals and other disease-focussed strategies. Having been through her own health journey, Dr. Indika empathises with those who are going through mental and physical health struggles and fully understands how challenging it is to be consistent with lifestyle and behavioural changes within the fast pace of modern life.

Anatomists were stumped. How could the vagus nerve, a single nerve beginning in the brainstem, be so long and connect to so many different organs? What effects could this nerve possibly employ? With such a vast array of potential functions, what would happen if this nerve was injured or cut? Following a resent conference Dr Indika attended with activate the vague nerve author Navaz Habib she is keen to educate us on his finding and her advice and tools you need to understand and heal your vagus nerve, the rest, digest and recovery system. You’ll learn simple yet powerful techniques to address a variety of ailments health challenges, like inflammation, gut sensitivity and brain fog, from their root causes originating with the vagus nerve.

Lucinda Miller

Wellness Wednesday speaker Lucinda Miller (Nature Doc) is back by popular demand. In our first Wellness Wednesday of the 2020 Emma Schwarz (Rare Brand Founder) and Lucinda Miller will hold an informal discussion on what a nutritious diet really is, and how to nurture a healthy relationship with food. We talk about the importance of individualised nutrition, and how no one diet fits all. We also debate the nutritional pros and cons of adopting a plant based diet. A chance for you to ask your most burning food and nutrition questions, in the lovely relaxed atmosphere of The Kennels at Goodwood Park. The kind of questions that we will be discussing are listed below.


  • What are the core elements of a healthy diet?
  • What are our modern diet pitfalls?
  • How can we learn to nurture a health relationship with food? How can we project this onto our children?
  • How can genetics and metabolism dictate what we need to eat?
  • Tell me more about your saying “it’s not the foods fault” in terms of food allergies and intolerances?
  • Why should we be eating more plants?
  • What are the problems with adopting an entirely plant based diet?