Wellness Wednesday Themes & dates

26th September - The future of health screening & Boosting your mood

12th September - Doors open at 7:30pm for an 8pm start

Dr Tom Stubbs, CEO and founder of Chronomics.co.uk is coming to this evening to educate us all about the FUTURE of Health Screening. Have you ever heard of Epigenetics? Chronomics will help you "home test" for environmental factors in your life that combined with your genetic make up will be influencing how healthy a life you are leading. Emma Hannay is a colour image genius! She will tell you why colour needs to be taken seriously, how it affects your emotional well being and she will teach you the basic principles of getting colour choice wrong or right.

£20 - BOOK

To read more about Dr Tom Stubbs please visit his website - Chronomics.co.uk

To read more about Emma Hannay please visit her website - imagebyemma.com

oxmarket gallery can be found off of little London, alongside the east street m&s Carpark so right in the heart of the city centre