Summer Lifestyle and Healthy Living 2017 - standard tickets and VIP tickets

There are two types of ticket for our Summer Lifestyle and Healthy Living event. A STANDARD ticket of £7.50 which gets you access to all the shopping or a VIP ticket for £15 which gets access to all the shopping and up to three workshops of your choice. However, there is a two for one offer available if there's more than one of you coming so see that offer as an option available, when you click below. Ticket prices are per person but you can come both days on one ticket, children are welcome and there is no charge under age 12. These tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable after age 12.

We have some amazing workshop/talk hosts. There are 7 different workshops to choose from, it is important to say that some of the sessions take the form of an educational talk as opposed to something fully interactive. The subject matters cover either Nutrition, Fitness and/or Wellbeing. Each session will vary in length. They range from 30mins to 75mins.